Why DIM is a Crucial Find in The Field of Medicine

With about two decades of research put into the much-touted DIM, the results have been promising, to say the least. The scientists at UC Berkeley, who extracted this compound from the Brassica family of vegetables, have found that this compound is one of the most versatile compounds in molecular biology, and extremely beneficial to the medical community in several aspects.

The buzz created by Diindolylmethane has gained a lot of interest from the medical community as it continues to battle with diseases, such as cancer and AIDS, with no workable cure in sight, thanks to the complications that arise when a person suffers with these diseases.

The National Cancer Institute has recently began research on this compound to find whether or not it can work as an alternative therapy for cancer, thanks to its direct anti-cancer properties, as found by the scientists at UC Berkeley.

When it comes to dealing with cancer, it is also being used with Taxol (the conventional medicine used to treat cancer) to determine increased effectiveness of the medicine provided to the patient.

It is also being used as a cancer prevention diet, and has shown the ability to reduce the chances of getting breast and prostate cancer by almost 40 and 60 percent, respectively.

But the most important reason for why this compound might be the answer to a lot of incurable diseases is its immune-modulating property. Since it boosts the immune system effectively and strengthens the body’s organs, the ability to deal with viruses and bacteria that might cause disease is increased many times over. This means that it doesn’t matter whether this is cancer or even the common cold, as your system will combat them just as effectively.

It isn’t hard to see why this compound is now being considered a crucial find in the field of medicine.

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