The Difference Between a Fake College Degree and a Work Experience Degree

With the growing need for college degrees to make any progress in the work force today the availability of getting a fake college degree has grown as well. Designed to resemble (but not actually be) a degree from an accredited institution, these fake degrees have been used by thousands of job applicants across the world to try and obtain positions they may not have the standard educational prerequisites for. Unfortunately for these applicants employers are well aware of the fake degree market and, once a fake degree has been determined, that employee or applicant is automatically blacklisted from the company for all future employment.

Work experience degrees, unlike fake degrees, are actual accredited certifications granted by universities and other educational institutions that are official documentation indicating an individual has achieved all basic knowledge to be obtained through formal studies without needing to actually be enrolled in a school to earn it. This means that millions of people out there who have extensive work experience but no formal educational background to support it can receive recognition for their hard work.

This form of an instant degree, or Online Life Experience Degree, is not overly common today in many parts of the world due to the fact that most universities do not offer all testing and verification processes necessary to grant them. Nevertheless online agencies such as work to assist applicants in locating and applying to institutions for certification. If all necessary documents are in order and a candidate qualifies for the degree an applicant can usually receive an accredited degree with supporting documentation verifying their abilities in as little as 7 days.

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